Tuesday, 12 May 2015

Discussion questions about plastic

Discusion questions

1.if you could go back in time ,would you stop the discovery of plastic? or do you think this material offers us important benefits that out way its negatives

no I wouldn't. But I would advise them to use it sparingly to prevent the devastating results that are present today .The reason why I wouldn't stop them is that we do not realise how useful plastic is, and somethings would not be possible with out plastic such as laptops, cars and other technology that is much used today.

2.what if we tried to remove all of that plastic waste from the sea? would this be beneficial ,and what do you think some of the unexpected consequences might be?
the fact that it would leave us with a VERY large amount of rubbish is a complicated problem that might be hard to fix ,and would take a lot of trouble supposedly more than normal rubbish, to find a solution to, because plenty of it will have broken down and may be unrecyclable. But it would benefit the thousands of animals and sea creatures that die a slow and painful death caused by by the plastic in the sea ,and it would also benifit our sea so I think I would take It to an area were it could be controlled and deal with it over time

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful response. Insightful and well thought through.
