Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Jolie and Cassie Bittern article

Today we are interviewing the eco warrior from the bittern. (We don't know his name, yet.)
"Now, what is your name?"
"My name is Babaloo."
"Well that's a very interesting name, don't ya think! And how old are you?"
"I am now 76 years old."
"Why didn't you drain your swamp?"
"Well, I wanted all the water birds like the bittern and the pukeko to have a place to live."
"That's a wonderful thing to do. But why did you care for the water birds?"
"Where else would the water birds live, they wouldn't live without a home."
"Ah, how were you treated?"
"Unfortunately I was not treated kindly, people called me a useless farmer and sometimes even a lazy Maori."
"Hhmm those horrible people, now how much do you care for the environment?"
"Oh I would do anything for the wonders of nature."
"Why are you becoming famous?"
"Well I guess because I didn't drain my swamp and I worked hard to do that. I did what it took!"

Scene setting by Hazel

It was freezing cold at the bottom of the humongous mountains when I saw a breath taking Sky high castle. Snowy clouds covered the bumpy brick walls of the castle. I stood on a rocky bridge staring at that cream coloured magnificent castle.

Thursday, 20 August 2015


One day Batman jumped off a dumpster and fractured his left elbow. \(^o^)/ He then went to hospital, escaped from hospital and fell in radioactive waste. After that he pushed himself off the Empire State and broke his nose. Then woke up in hospital chained to his bed. L(´・Д・)」He then said "Don't
worry I know what to do (FART!)"
The chains then started to melt. He then 
ate the wall and Superman picked up Batman and threw him. And then Batman ate the Great Wall of china. Next he smashed a car and 
landed in a toilet and drowned!! THE END \(^o^)/(・・?) 😶

Friday, 14 August 2015

Jolie's describing the character

Grandpa's eyes are as big as turtle shells which go with his trumpet like nose sticking out below. His three yellow teeth wobble when Grandpa talks on and on about the old days in his high pitched voice. His mouldy green overalls lay loosely over his spatula-like body. Grey clouds hang above his poo brown eyes. His double chin sticks out beneath his shriveling mouth. The lump on his head was like a cactus in a desert landscape. His bony elbow lead to an arm like a ruler. The old man's body was as wrinkly as a prune. Grandpa often says "You dang kids get off my property!" and "What'd I say about touching things." Instead of casually walking, he staggers but insists he is only twenty eight and tries to prove it by dancing with his cane! Grandpa always asks disgusting favors like "could you please grab the moisturiser? I've got a wart on my back on I'd like you to treat." Grandpas rotten cabbage smell wafts around the house when he trudges grumpily to get his cup of tea (which is pink, I'm not sure what he puts in there.) When his bony witch-like fingers touch your skin you feel like you're in the South Pole.